Today is our second last day in France!! The 6 weeks have just disappeared but it does seem a long time since we left home and a long time since we have had a proper verbal conversation with anyone other than ourselves or Campbell!
Today we did "The Passages" again. We did these last time we were here when the temperature outside was about minus 10 degrees. It wasn't that cold today BUT I was still definately not warm.
The passages are a series of beautiful old alley ways and passages between streets, many filled with small boutiques or cafes. The architecture and decor is stunning.
AAfter lunch and a little bit of shopping, we came back nearer to the apartment and explored some of the streets between Saint Sulpice and the Luxembourg Gardens. In one street we found a kiwi shop and an Australian and NZ shop selling vegemite and Cloudy Bay!
Tonight we are trying out the restaurant we couldn't get into last night - Le Timbre. It is next to Moustache (the one we did go to last night). It had good reviews so here's hoping...
Today the NZ Govt made an announcement on the status of the various residential areas of Christchurch following the earthquakes, and have broken the city up into 3 zones from red meaning that it's unlikely the area can be rebuilt on (and the Govt will offer to purchase these properties outright) to orange where final assessments are still to be made pending further geotech investigations, to green where rebuilding can get underway. Unfortunately 2 of our flats in North Brighton are included in the orange zone so we will have to wait to see what the final outcome is. Oddly these properties escaped with almost nil structural damage but we understand it is the damage to infrastructure and amenities, in addition to impact from liquification, that may affect their final zoning - fingers crossed !!.
Shopping to the end you two? I am sure your credit card will be glad you get on a plane soon. On the other hand if you don't see something you like while you are travelling its a long way back to go and get it. You have to be philosophical about these things! Who is carrying the cases? Will they fit in the car when you get home? Perhaps you sent the odd thing or two home with Campbell.