Contact Phone Number

While we're overseas we will have a Travelsim mobile with us as the international mobile call costs from Telstra are too expensive. To call us from a mobile simply dial +37257173206. To call from a land line call the international exit code (e.g. 00 from NZ and 0011 from Aust) then 32757173206. Remember France is 8 hours behind Aust and 10 hours behind NZ.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Vendredi 10th June

Today we had a very relaxing day around the village. Sablet has a new weekly market that started today so we ventured down to see what was available and bought some French cheeses (Comte and Tomme), pastries and bread from the boulangerie and a poulet roti (rotisseried chicken) from the friendly butcher.We were even greeted at the market by the patron of the local bar with handshakes and ca va's (French for how's it going).
The weather was much better today than his has been so we spent most of the afternoon in the sun in our garden reading.
After a drink or 2 at the local bar, where we are now accepted as locals rather than the stupid tourists that don't seem to understand that unless you make an attempt to speak Frenck the barman will ignore you, we headed home for a very enjoyable dinner of poulet roti and vegetable accompanied by an exceptional bottle of 2003 Gigondas rouge (see photo accompanied by the bottle of Chateauneuf du Pape bought earlier in the week). 

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